Cara's Crazy Cerebral Collage


time for giving thanks

It's a couple days late, but the thing I love about Thanksgiving is that it's this one day a year that is specifically designed for you to remember how lucky you are and stop complaining for once. The next day you can go back to complaining about your family and job and whatever, or in my case laughing while remembering the look on your uncle's face when your grandmother tried to throw a piece of cheesecake at him. So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I decided to try and compile a list of things that I am thankful for.

*Me. Sure it sounds conceited, but I am thankful for everything in my life that has happened, that has made me who I am today. I wouldn't take back anything, even as much as I may cringe at certain memories, who knows what I would be without them.
*My family. Like most people's, it's a little crazy. It's big, it's loud, it's sometimes very conservative, and sometimes a little bit critical, but I am incredibly lucky to have two amazing family trees, and to be learning a lot more about them now. I got to see some really cool old pictures from when my Grandmother was little while I was visiting for the holiday, and I know that a lot of people take for granted being able to trace back their roots, so I hope that I remember how lucky I am to have that.
*My friends. As strewn across the countryside as they are at this point, I am so incredibly blessed to have collected amazing friends at every juncture of my life so far, and also lucky for things like AIM and Friendster, to make keeping in touch with all of them fairly simple. They can all look forward to some snail mail for the holidays, however, because who doesn't like getting real mail?
*My home. I super lucked out with this apartment. My roommate is chill, my room is huge, I have a SKYLIGHT, walking distance to work, the gym, and coffee. And who can complain about life when they have a waterfall in their backyard? (sometimes me, but I'm working on it)
*My Bed. Seems like it would go in the same category as home, but it really deserves it's own. I know that I have sung the praises of my bed in many a forum, including a full page article in WheatBread, but it really never ceases to please me, and I have a newfound appreciation for it after sleeping on the hard as a rock mattress in my grandparent's guest room for two nights.
*My job. Everyone complains about their job, and even though I've done my fair share lately, and I don't make any money, I do feel very lucky to have found something that I love to do, and regardless of where the wind blows me in the next year, I have met some amazing people and definitely been able to do a lot of career goal finetuning.

That's about it for now. Oh, I am also thankful for the video I took of my baby cousin eating whipped cream out of a can, which I will hopefully post tomorrow as my very first VLOG.


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