Letter to the Editor
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Regarding Harold Shurtleff's response to the feature on radio talk show host Jackie Guerra, I cannot even begin to express in words my horror at his gross generalizations, inaccurate claims, and racist attitude.
I will preface by saying that I have not made an effort to study free market economics, and as such this is not a critique of Mr. Shurtleff's factual claims. I have no evidence to the contrary on many of his points. However, to claim that Middle class families have it "easier" because those making minimum wage often get welfare benefits is ludicrous. Clearly, he has never been a recipient of welfare benefits. The fact is, you cannot receive most welfare benefits if you work full time, and you certainly can not afford to pay for daycare to work full time even with full time minimum wage pay and the modest welfare allowance that you would receive with that income. I am sure that those single parents raising more than one child on a minimum wage salary, even with the benefit of Food Stamps or WIC would scoff at your claim that you had it harder than them and are paying their way.
Having been a recipient of Food Stamps benefits when I was an Americorps VISTA, I can tell you that making minimum wage, even with Food Stamps benefits, it was difficult to get by even as a single young adult. If I'd had to feed, clothe, or shelter anyone but myself I would have not been able to. Given the events that unfolded after Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita, I think that you should maybe re-think exactly what governments are refusing to make their countries livable. As for the idea of Ms. Guerra sitting in her radio booth shaking her fist at the "gringo," I would rather you not act as though you speak for all white americans. Not every gringo subscribes to your elitest, racist banter.
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